It is extremely important in the current demanding and competitive global markets for organisations to stay abreast in terms of employee engagement and talent development. Currently, as organisations continue to witness growth in business and size, it is becoming increasingly important to align organisational needs with strong human capital capabilities, especially at identified critical roles, in order to maintain high standards of performance, service and delivery excellence. In order to do this, organisations need to use a structured approach to manage and unlock the untapped potential in their employees.
As part of Empowered Learning Systems' suite of offerings, our high impact talent development solutions help you to assess and develop employees and focus on sustainable employee engagement and retention.
Our Approach
360 Degree Feedback: This is a process of methodically collating opinions about an individual's performance from a wide range of colleagues using a customised questionnaire. This includes peers, subordinates, direct reports, senior management and sometimes even people outside the organization, such as customers. The advantage of collecting data of this kind is that the person gets a view of perceptions which gives them a complete picture of how they behave. This also helps to measure the skills required on the job which encompasses many leadership and management competencies. The report provides insights about the individual's management style and feedback for working on areas of development.
Psychometric Evaluation & Feedback: The word psychometric is derived from the Greek words for mental and measurement. These tools attempt to objectively measure aspects of a person's mental ability or personality and are used by organisations for recruitment, training and development needs and high potential assessments. ELS use world class tools developed by the House of Pearson namely Watson-Glaser™ Critical Thinking Appraisal, SOSIE™ and Golden Personality Type Profiler™. These three tools are part of Pearson Talent Assessment which a global leader in Educational Publishing, Assessment, Business Information and Services. It provides the most comprehensive range of educational programmes; leadership in testing, assessment, and enterprise software; and the very best in online consumer and professional learning.
Ability Assessment:
Watson-Glaser™ Critical Thinking Appraisal helps to assess:
- The ability to make good decisions with limited time and information.
- Judgment, problem solving, creativity and more
- Openness to new experience
- Practical intelligence
Source: http://www.talentlens.in/
Personality Assessment:
SOSIE™ helps to understand:
- Personality Traits
- Interpersonal & Personal Values
- Indicator of fit to job/ role
- Likely fit to an organization and its culture
- Understanding of "Self"; appreciating individual differences
- Engage for enhanced productivity
Source: http://www.talentlens.co.uk/
Golden Personality Type Profiler™ helps to look at:
- Insights on leadership, growth opportunities, communications and motivation
- How a person relates to others
- Questions relate to five Personality Dimensions:
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Extraverting vs Introverting |
- Where you focus your energy |
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Sensing vs iNtuiting |
- How you gather information |
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Thinking vs Feeling |
- How you make decisions |
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organiZing vs Adapting |
- How you approach life |
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Tense vs Calm |
- How you respond to stress |
Source: http://www.talentlens.nl/
For more information on the above, please contact Rohan Shahane at rohan@empoweredindia.com/+91 - 95525 98909.